Customer Testimonials

Compass & Map

Kevin helped me realize that it's more important to base career decisions first on my compass (innate purpose and intrinsic motivation to work) before considering my map (looking at economic conditions to determine career path). This helped chart a clearer path forward in terms of concrete next steps.

- Public Servant, 3 years experience

Looking for a path forward

A Creative Coach

Kevin is a very creative coach who knows how to cater strategies that is specific to one's situation and career goals. The journey with him has helped me discover a lot more about my strengths and branding as well as the understanding of how the HR works. I recommend that you seek his guidance if you are looking at the possibility of taking the next step in your career.

- Quality Assurance Executive (Healthcare Sector), 5 years experience

Cutting through complexity

Kevin is incredibly incisive. He broke down what I thought was a rather complex dilemma with just a few probes, and presented the most salient arguments in a digestible format. His advice gave me the clarity I needed to make the right career move.

- Public Servant, 8 years experience

Challenge yourself to take on difficult conversations

Purposeful Transitions

I have been considering leaving corporate for over 6 months. Kevin helped me structure my thoughts, ask the right questions, and made sure I had a plausible plan in place for post-corporate life. His exercises helped me identify my reasons for leaving, which made leaving more purposeful. He is also genuine and nice; which comes through in his coachings.

- Investment Professional, 4 years experience

Focusing your search

Kevin asked some really good questions! I realised that I was looking at the roles I was already qualified for instead of working towards where I really wanted to be. That helped me to change the focus of my search.

- Public Servant, 8 years experience

Clarity of direction can be yours too!